How Church Can Enhance Seniors' Health and Well-Being
After a life of productivity and purpose, seniors sometimes feel listless after retirement, when children and grandchildren move away and the motivation for daily activity is often reduced. For older adults who are looking to revitalize themselves, be part of a community and find a sense of purpose, church attendance can be an invigorating and rewarding part of life.
Faith Church wants to see people of all ages living life to the fullest, so read on for tips on how seniors can benefit from church involvement.
Combat Isolation
Becoming socially isolated is damaging to the health of any individual, but as Senior Lifestyle explains, this is especially true for those in their senior years. Older adults often experience mental and physical issues linked to isolation, such as increased risk of substance abuse, heart disease and depression.
Broadened Connections
Seniors are likely to connect with peers in a church community, reducing their sense of isolation and the issues that can go with it. They can connect with other older adults both in and out of church, too, whether for small group activities, coffee clubs or SilverSneakers fitness outings.
What’s more, attending church is a chance to make friends with those in younger generations—a connection whose benefits shouldn’t be overlooked. Multi-generational friendships keep mindsets more elastic, offer mentoring from both individuals, and can simply make seniors feel younger.
When health concerns keep them home, seniors can participate virtually, too. Social media is a great way to stay on top of church happenings, chat with other church members, and even attend streamed services. Don’t forget to add your church’s newsletter to your email inbox as well!
The Gift of Giving
Volunteering in your seniors years is an often missed opportunity for seniors to enjoy better health and well-being. As Senior Community Services explains, when seniors volunteer, they can enjoy a bigger sense of purpose, feel more connected to their community, and even experience better cognitive performance. Church communities present plentiful opportunities for volunteering, whether through organized events, routine services or food pantry donations. By giving of their time, seniors can reap greater gifts in return.
Planned Social Events
In addition to volunteer opportunities, churches offer frequent social functions, such as crock pot suppers to warm the winter, pancake breakfasts during holidays and holy day-specific gatherings. Also, church groups often hold educational meetings that include scripture sharing, hobbies, music performance and appreciation and self-improvement courses such as budgeting and energy savings that are relevant to senior concerns.
Spiritual Perks
There are, of course, spiritual benefits associated with church membership. Those who attend church routinely have opportunities to reflect on gratitude and the many blessings in their lives. It’s a chance to acknowledge the gifts of family and friends, health, and even medical care. It’s a chance to feel reverent as we look to the high power of God, and of course, an opportunity to connect as a body of believers.
Church is also a chance to experience the mindfulness of prayer. Mindfulness can combat loneliness in seniors, keeping them in the moment, rather than caught up in missing the past or wishing away the day in anticipation of the future.
Also, church membership can enable close family connections, since religious beliefs often are passed down through a family. Grandparents can provide information to grandchildren about their shared faith and serve as a positive role model through their participation in the church community.
Church membership provides numerous benefits to seniors. Connection, community and a sense of purpose all can be an unparalleled boon to a senior's quality of life. Look to Faith Church for opportunities to plug in, and reap those much-needed benefits!
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