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Loving God through Generosity

Giving back what we have been given.

Tithing. What is it? Why do it?

Everyone knows that when you see the offering plates in church, it's time to break out the wallet. But churches pass around those shiny plates for more than what you might think. Yes, churches don't make an income and offerings are a part of keeping the church going. But there is a difference between tithing and offering. Tithing is giving a tenth of your income to God. It’s in the Bible, Leviticus 27:30, TLB. “A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord’s, and is holy.” And there's more to it than that! We tithe because it is a good way of reminding us that God needs to come first. IT'S NOT EASY, but it definitely pays off! Putting our dependency on God rather than the money we make from our jobs refocuses our life and opens our eyes to the blessings God gives us, which should make us want to bless God through our tithe.


Offering. Is there a difference?

There actually is a big difference between a tithe and an offering. An offering is something that you give beyond your tithe. Remember that a tithe is 10% of your income, so anything beyond that is an offering. Typically, offerings are for special projects that the church is doing or special missions the church is supporting. But you don't have to wait for that. You can bless God simply by giving joyfully and generously.

How can I give?

There are a lot of great ways to give a monetary donation to Faith United Methodist Church! First is by stopping by on Sunday and dropping something in the offering plate - you can put a tithe in too, even though it's an offering plate. Second, you can mail in a check or cash to us at 1531 Hughitt Ave. Superior, WI 54880. Third, you can give online fast and secure by texting GIVE to 888-933-4262. It's that simple! Thank you!